La Yaki Coffee Chats

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There's nothing quite like grabbing a hot coffee or tea, sitting down with a good friend - and chatting about the things that move you. 

La Yaki hosts bi-weekly coffee chats, where she invites you to pull up with your coffee or tea. Open yourself to inspiration or shared experiences. We discuss topics varying from how La Yaki composed her own wedding vows to her own experiences navigating her mental health  journey. 

All-New Coffee Chats

Keep up to date with the latest La Yaki Coffee Chats by clicking below!

Trusting Yourself with Riley. ALL NEW!

Trusting yourself. What a loaded concept, yet simple isn't it? Today we invited our pal Riley (He/Him), to help unpack this and find realistic ways to achieve such a fundamental building block to wellness.

Happiness with Luis. 

Happiness. Could you describe what it means if someone asked you: "what does happiness look like for you?" We'll take it one step further, have you allowed happines into your life? We sat down with our very first guest, Luis Gomez (He/Him/El), to dissect this topic and uncover what happiness looks like for him. 

Build Confidence. 

There's not a simple formula for this thing we all like to call confidence. But it is something we build, uniquely for ourselves and our experiences. We see confidence building through the holistic strength and reliance on your mind. Two strong areas that can help you start building.

Slowing Down. 

La Yaki discusses the question about slowing down. Why it's important, what are the obstacles, and ultimately - why slowing down is a good thing for us. All of us.

2023. New Year?

It's a new year but what does that even mean? New starts? New beginnings? Let's talk about it.

Writing Vows. 

La Yaki recently married Ana (Nov '22) and wanted to share how she approached writing her own vows. Three quick tips to help you express yourself on the big day!

Self Worth. 

Self worth is a integral part of being you. Of acknowledgin your worth without any layered identify you've placed on yourself. We share why it's something that many overlook and how we take it back. Why it matters on your path forward.

Finding the One. 

For anyone struggling to find your person, this one is for you. You see, finding the one, has as much to do with finding yourself. And trust me, I know. I found the one.

Time for you. 

Yes, you. You deserve time for you. Time is priceless and so are you. So here's a reminder that making time for you affects every person and part of your life. May this a good thing in your life.

When I met Brandon Walsh. 

A fun one today! La Yaki shares the day she met her TV crush, Brandon, from 90s show "Beverly Hills 90210."  And trust us, the fan story she tells him is just too out of this world.

Latinx Heritage Month. 

La Yaki celebrates Latinx Heritage Month by sharing what it's been like growing up Latina in Orange County.

Boundaries with family. 

As a queer latina person, boundaries with family are especially challenging but important. We discuss the why and how when it comes to protecting yourself - even when it's from your own family.

When I me Ana (my now wife)

Romantics out there? This one is for you. La Yaki reflects on not just when she met Ana but where she was emotionally and mentally. This openness was important so she could be open to the opportunity of Ana in her life. 

Role Self Vs. True Self

There are actually two versions of you. Your true self and your role self. Through the help of therapy and education, we break down the two roles and how this awareness could move you forward the way you really want.

Coming out to DAD

Being on the biggest challenges in my life, I felt only fair to share this personal story. The time I came out to my dad. Growing up in a Mexican and Catholic home made it difficult to explore my identity as a gay woman. But having to share that truth my father was even harder. 

When I ran a Half-Marathon

If you want to see what you are made of, go run. Run a half marathon. This experience changed the way I saw my own capabilities and limitations. 

Want to be a guest?

Want to sit with us and discuss an important topic that's close to your heart - reach out!
