La Yaki Says


Editorial vlogs and blogs from the founder herself. Once called "The Preacher Lady", follow La Yaki as she navigates anything and everything. 

Whether you agree, disagree, or realize it was never a talking point, La Yaki Says... is meant to spark a conversation and for some it might even be inspirational.


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Keep up to date with the latest La Yaki vlogs by clicking below!

First 15 Pounds (LOST)

WELLNESS JOURNEY NOT WEIGHT LOSS JOURNEY. I'm ready to start sharing the recent life learnings and takeaways for anyone who is looking to heal and grow. Hope this helps you on your journey! 


Capture the Moments. 

This Thanksgiving, "La Yaki Says... Capture the Moments" ALL-NEW VIDEO takes you you to the special moments captured in our Holiday Garcia family photo-shoot!

Once a family of 6, is now - double the size. #doublethelove

Japan: hot but so extraordinary. 

What better way to welcome a new decade (the big 3-0) than by going somewhere completely foreign. When I got invited to tag along to a trip to Japan I had to jump on this opportunity. Yes, summer in Japan is incredibly hot but it's also one of the most amazing places I've ever had the pleasure of visiting. 


I'm Me. I'm Gay.

It was important to debut these editorials with the most private but triumphed journey I've ever had – my coming out.

The more we share our struggles and tell others how we overcome them, the more others will be able to have the necessary tools and inspiration to overcome theirs. Regardless of how you may view the LGBTQ community, this vlog aims to give a voice to those who may be struggling to find theirs.

Grandparents, to love and remember.

Abuelitos, Grandpas, Grams, etc., whatever word you use they all mean love.

At the start of this year I lost my dearest Grandmother Chelo. This great loss came with a hidden blessing. I loved my grandma with everything I could and because of that she is in my heart for all of time. In this very special video, I open up about the simple things that make the greatest impact in our relationships with others.

Want to see more?

Keep up to date with the latest La Yaki vlogs by clicking below!
